Preventing Implant Nightmares with Proper Planning and Soft Tissue Management Dr.Shayan Barootchi, DMD, MS 3/20/24

Course Details

Dr.Shayan Barootchi


Preventing Implant Nightmares with Proper Planning and Soft Tissue Management Dr.Shayan Barootchi, DMD, MS 3/20/24

March 20, 2024 - March 20, 2024

1 Days

YM Education Center, Chantilly.

Course Description

Date and Time:
Wednesday March 20th, 2024
6:00-6:30 PM – Registration
6:30-8:30 PM – Program

YM Dental Lab
14100 Park Meadow Dr. #100
Chantilly, VA

Tuition: ComplementaryCE Hours: 2
AGD Code: 690


Immediate implant therapy has received a great deal of attention in the recent years due many advantages that this
therapy can provide, given its proper implementation. Soft tissue augmentation has also been an emerging topic
around dental implants, not only for enhancing esthetics, but also as it relates to health parameters of implants
and their overall long-term success.
Esthetic complications of dental implants have also been on the rise, negatively affecting patient qualify of life.
The prevention of these conditions largely depends on the hard and soft tissue phenotype, among other factors. It
is therefore crucial understanding the role of peri-implant soft tissue phenotype and the rationale for its
augmentation when indicated.
This lecture will highlight advancements in both fields and focus on the mechanics of which the two emerging
fields merge and coincide, for the single aim of obtaining optimum long-term success in implant therapy and
patient satisfaction.

Updates on immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sockets, and management of local tissues at the time
of procedure
Key factors for performing immediate implant placement and important considerations at the time of surgery
Lessons learnt from years of longitudinal research on immediate implant therapy
Soft tissue phenotype modification techniques around dental implants using autogenous and non-autogenous soft
tissue substitutes and how these can influence the health of dental implants
Understand the role of soft tissue phenotype on peri-implant esthetic and soft tissue stability
Learn how to properly diagnose and classify implant esthetic complications
Learn how to prevent implant esthetic complications through soft tissue augmentation
Understand how to select the most appropriate treatment approach for the treatment
of peri-implant soft tissue dehiscences.

Shayan Barootchi, DMD, MS, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Department of Oral Medicine,
Infection, and Immunity, Division of Periodontology, at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and holds
the position of Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, Department of Periodontics
and Oral Medicine.
He completed his Periodontal training and obtained his Master of Science degree also at the University of
Michigan, after finishing a two-year post-doctoral fellowship program in the same institute.
Dr. Barootchi has conducted numerous research projects in the field of periodontal and peri-implant plastic
surgery, immediate implant therapy, and implant disease management, ranging from basic and translational
research on large and small animal models, as well as human studies and clinical trials. He has published over
90 peer-reviewed scientific articles and his work has been the recipient of national and international prestigious
awards. He has lectured internationally and serves on the editorial board and as a scientific reviewer for many
other renowned journals in Dentistry.
Through his research focus, he has pioneered the application of novel technologies for diagnosis of implant
diseases, and new minimally invasive treatment methods for performing soft tissue grafting procedures.
Currently, Dr. Barootchi’s clinical research focuses on microsurgical and minimally-invasive approaches for
soft tissue augmentation around teeth, dental implants, and at the time of immediate implant therapy.